Left photo: This is a L.E.W. locomotive, DE I series, 1050 HP, with the first FEPASA livery, that is, a virtual copy of the Companhia Paulista livery: blue with white stripes, with the acronym "FEPASA" written in lower case, italic type fonts. This photo was shot by César Sacco, from Indaiatuba SP.

Right photo: The same locomotive, but the second FEPASA livery: red with white strips, with the acronym "FEPASA" written in capital letters. Photo taken by Ricardo Frontera, from Bauru, SP. in July 1998.

These diesel-electric locomotives were built in Henningsdorf, East Germany, by L.E.W. - Lokomotivbau Eletrotechische Werke, and have been used for switching or railway maintenance services. They were originally purchased by the Companhia Paulista de Estradas de Ferro (DE I Series, 36 locomotives, 1050 HP, 12 cylinders with "V" alignment), Estrada de Ferro Sorocabana (DE II Series, 30 locomotives, same features of the DE I Series) and Companhia Mogiana de Estradas de Ferro (DE III Series, 17 locomotives, 1400 HP, 16 cylinders with "V" alignment), during 1967/1968. Their motor is French, built by SACM. They were nicknamed as Alemãzinhas (Little Germans). This information is courtesy of Cid José Beraldo, from São Paulo, SP.

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© Antonio Augusto Gorni