This was one of the rare diesel-hydraulic locomotives that worked in Brazilian railroads: a General Motors GM-DH1 locomotive, number 6031, delivered in 1960. Boy, it had a quite modern and aerodinamic design, typical of that glorious years! It looks like the Jetson's locomotive! Only four units of this locomotive were built. The 6031 was a demonstration locomotive, with 52 tons, 600 HP and an Allison torque converter model CTA 5842. It was built in September 1958. Apparently it also run during demonstration trials at the Oshava Railroad, in Canada, and at the E.F. Sorocabana. This machine apparently showed the same problems associated with another locomotives of that kind and was prematurely scrapped. However, considering the characteristic R.F.F.S.A. inscription present on its livery, I guess that this machine worked at least up to the mid seventies. This photo, shot in March 8, 1975, was previously published in the X2200 South magazine, shows the locomotive already put out of service and with some signals of abandonment. This copy is courtesy of Cid José Beraldo, from São Paulo SP, who kindly sent it to the E.F. Brasil pages.

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© Antonio Augusto Gorni