E.F. Araraquara bought the famous Budd stainless steel cars in 1963 in order to provide a magnificent passenger service like Companhia Paulista did then. These prestigious times, however, didn't last very much. With the progressive decadence of the railroads from São Paulo state passenger service standards decayed too fast. However, passenger trains run regularly until 1998. After a melancholic revival between 1999-2001 they were definitely halted. Then the Budd stainless cars abandoned, going from station to station, eventually suffering vandalism attacks and fires. This photo, by Marcos Zeituni, from São Paulo SP, shows a Budd stainless car stopped at Boa Vista station in November 2001, some months after the end of commercial service. But situation would be far worser fifteen months later...

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© Antonio Augusto Gorni