A sample of electromotive power at E.F. Santos a Jundiaí in April 1981: an Henschel Pão-de-Forma (sandwich loaf) and a G.E. Escandalosa (scandalous) locomotives, plus a Budd stainless steel commuter train. The Henschel and the G.E. locomotives were both inherited from the E.F. Central do Brasil, as this railroad progressively gave up on electromotive power in the late seventies. In the end of 1996 M.R.S., the new private owner of the E.F. Santos a Jundiaí lines, decided to scrap all electric locomotives. Since then an Henschel unit is rusting at Paranapiacaba, while the Escandalosas were transfered to FEPASA in early eighties and scrapped by its new private owner, FERROBAN, in 1999. This photo was taken by Alberto H. del Bianco at the Gate 7 of the Luz Station, in São Paulo SP; he kindly sent a copy to the E.F. Brasil site.

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© Antonio Augusto Gorni