An ALCO RSD-8 diesel-electric locomotive, with the third Companhia Mogiana livery, at the Passagem station, in 1971. Ten units of this kind of locomotive were purchased by Companhia Paulista in the late fifties to operate on the metric gauge network of that railroad. With the supression of those lines in the late sixties, those locomotives were transfered to the Companhia Mogiana. After the formation of FEPASA, those machines were transfered to the Baixada Santista lines of the former E.F. Sorocabana. They worked there as auxiliary locomotive for freigth trains, using the second FEPASA livery and hauling the T.I.M. - Trem Inter Municipal (Inter-City Train), a local commuter train, with a special livery. Original photo by Ivanir Barbosa; this copy was kindly supplied by Luís Carlos Bellotto, who sent a copy to the E.F. Brasil site.

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