A freight train pulled by a steam locomotive at the Três Pontes station. Fortunately we have the names of the people in this picture: from the left to the right, Gabriel Bertoni (telegraphist of the Jaguariúna station), Osmar de Souza (telegraphist of the Pedreira station), Mário Nascimento (telegraphist of the Campinas station), Marcílio Gomes (chief of train, Jaguariúna station), Pedro Moraes (chief of station, Três Pontes), Vanderlei de Almeira (telegraphist at the Jaguariúna station), Zanim (fireman) and Benedito (engineer, based in the Amparo station), who is above the locomotive. This photo was shot in September 14, 1966, just before the end of the Amparo-Socorro branch of Companhia Mogiana. This photo belongs to the A.B.P.F. collection; this copy was kindly sent by Hélio Gazetta to the E.F. Brasil, the first electronic list for discussion about the Brazilian railroads.

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© Antonio Augusto Gorni